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Accommodation In Vryheid

Vryheid Tourism Information
Tourism Information

The tranquillity of the modern Vryheid, (an Afrikaans word meaning "Freedom"), situated 70 kilometres east of the Natal Battlefield's Route Town of Dundee on the R33, belies its turbulent history. A number of important battle sites, from both the Zulu and the Boer Wars are located within a short distance of the town and draw interested visitors from across the globe.

Besides serving as the commercial centre for the cattle ranching, coal mining and timber and wattle industries of the region, Vryheid supports a growing hospitality industry. Small private game farms are opening their doors to a hungry public eager for the more intense and personal game viewing and hunting opportunities these establishments can offer. Vryheid is a leader in this field where stiff competition and a genuine passion for the work ensures standards remain high.

Vryheid boasts a challenging golf course, a number of good fishing spots and the hot sulphur springs located just outside the town. Zulu cultural experiences with their traditional Zulu Dancing displays can also be arranged.

"Vryheid, a world in one word", is the very catchy town slogan, apt for a town offering its visitors the freedom to choose between a world of activities.